Laura Franzmann (*Germany) is an artist living in Berlin. Her works create spaces and narratives in which she invites people to encounter altered forms of knowledge - knowledge that is unconscious, physical, natural and spiritual. Knowledge that is not normally produced and communicated with words, language and concepts. her works, which include painting, drawing, installation and textile art, allow the viewer to immerse themselves in an imaginary world inhabited by mythical beings, animistic objects and timeless landscapes. Through detailed associative research, she examines iconographic elements and interweavings in visual and literary material. Based on motifs from archaeology, mythology, folklore and sacred art, she creates speculative cosmologies, ritual and devotional objects. Hybrid beings, mythical creatures and figures from western mythology come to the surface in her imagination and manifest themselves on canvas and paper. Their figuration enables her to view the creative process as communication with the invisible spheres of reality.
reviews: lampen kompositum doom-spa von marie-sophie dorsch a woman’s tail, fak23 parable of the moths, june public relations, studio peragine spring water tastes funny, kunstverein jesteburg corporate bodies, pragovka gallery a woman’s tail, fak23 parable of the moths, june public relations, studio peragine spring water tastes funny, kunstverein jesteburg corporate bodies, pragovka gallery
2017 mfa, hfbk hamburg
2016 goldsmiths university of london
2015 bfa, hfbk, hamburg
2023 a woman’s tail, Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst e.V., Münster
2021 spring water tastes funny, Kunstverein Jesteburg
2020 it’s in the trees, it’s coming, Neue Barmbeker Apotheke, Hamburg
2019 it takes two, Galerie Wassermühle Trittau
2018 increase screen brightness, Plan Raum für Kunst, Hamburg
selection of group projects and shows
2024 ruinen und verwundbarkeit, Altes Busdepot, Winterthur (CH)
2023 think before you print, Galerie von Empfangshalle, München
2023 lampenausstellung, Doom Spa City West, Berlin
2022 the house that mum built, Santos Road 32, London (GB)
2022 arbeitsstipendium für bildende kunst der freien und hansestadt hamburg 2020/21, Deichtorhallen Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg
2022 honeymoon, Tagente, Vasenthien
2022 parable of the moths, june, Berlin
2022 say hello, wave goodbye, Freiraum MKG Hamburg
2021 public relations, Studio Peragine, Hamburg
2021 nominees, Kunsthaus Hamburg
2020 shroom!, MMS off-space, Bremen
2020 twittering machine. positionen junger bildhauerinnen aus deutschland, Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Halle
2020 große eröffnung, Neue Barmbeker Apotheke, Hamburg
2020 corporate bodies, Pragovka Gallery, Prag (CZ)
2019 school of expressions, Plato, Ostrava (CZ)
2019 leikela editions, Michael Horbach Stiftung, Köln
2019 feminist sight #2 - seeing the city, Universität Hamburg
2018 bewerberinnen und bewerber für das arbeitstsipendium hamburg, Kunsthaus Hamburg
2022 stiftung kunstfonds - neustart kultur
2022 deutscher künstlerbund e.v. - neustart kultur
2021 arbeitsstipendium für bildende kunst der freien und hansestadt hamburg
2020 hamburgische kulturstiftung
2020 dorit und alexander otto stiftung
2018 nomination hamburger arbeitsstipendium
2016 nomination hiscox kunstpreis
2016 daad travel grant
2016 art school alliance, alfred toepfer stiftung f.v.s. und karl h. ditze stiftung
2015 projectgrant freundeskreis förderung hfbk hamburg
sammlung der sparkassen stiftung holstein